Lost Earnings under ICBC’s new “Enhanced Care” plan


Think ICBC’s new “Enhanced Care” plan will cover your lost earnings?  Think again.

This is what a self-employed registered massage therapist learned last month when she was injured in a rear-end collision.  She was not at fault for the crash.


ICBC says that under the new model of insurance, you will receive 90 per cent of your net income up to a maximum of $100,000 gross annual income.  For a price, you can also top up your income replacement should your gross earnings exceed $100,000.  You will have to buy more insurance for that.  What ICBC isn’t telling British Columbians is that there is a one week waiting period following an accident where ICBC is not obligated to pay you anything for your lost earnings.  Many British Columbians, particularly those who are self-employed, do not have access to sick days, short term disability or Employment Insurance.  A week’s earnings is a substantial amount.  Unfortunately, injured parties have no option under the “Enhanced Care” system to recover these monies and their right to sue at fault drivers has been taken away.
Further, if you are injured in a motor vehicle accident and have lost earnings as a result, you must provide ICBC with proof of your income before they will pay you any income replacement benefits.  This can be difficult to deal with while you are injured and can become very complicated when you are self-employed.
Were you involved in a motor vehicle accident and have questions?  Are you unsure as to what income replacement benefits you are entitled to or how to obtain those benefits?  Are you self-employed and need help proving your income so that you can receive income replacement benefits?  Let AABA-Auto Accident Benefits Assistance provide you with the information you need.
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Posted in News/Info.