Gaps in ICBC’s new “Enhanced Care” plan

Injured in a motor vehicle accident in BC?  Need treatment or other benefits under ICBC’s new “Enhanced Care” plan?  Read the fine print.

On May 9, 2021, a Vancouver cyclist suffered a fractured shoulder and fractured ribs after being hit by a car.  The driver of the car was at fault for the crash.

See article here

Unfortunately, under the new no-fault system, the cyclist cannot claim compensation for his injuries against the driver who caused the accident.  The fact that he is injured and facing a long road to recovery is irrelevant.  Further, as this cyclist and many injured British Columbians have learned, coverage for treatment to assist with recovery following an accident is capped by ICBC.  In other words, the rate you are paying for treatment costs is likely going to be higher than what you can recover under ICBC’s “Enhanced Care” plan.  This means that the injured party, not the person who caused the accident, will have to pay the difference.

Were you involved in a motor vehicle accident and have questions?  Are you unsure as to what treatment or benefits you are entitled to under ICBC’s “Enhanced Care” plan?  AABA- Auto Accident Benefits Assistance can provide information and services which are both very affordable and helpful to you.

We are here to help – Contact Us

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Posted in News/Info.